Thursday, 17 December 2009

Back to the real world for 6 months...

Well, after getting over the excitement of getting THAT email again, and telling practically everyone I meet... you find me back at Clarks for the Christmas holidays (the prospect of not doing Back to School next year does slightly fill me with joy!) and with loads of Uni work to be doing (i.e. what I should be doing right now). I have to hand in a 3000 word draft of my dissertation theory chapter and do a rough edit of my minor project before going back to Uni... oh, and fit in a week's work experience at The London Studios in January as well. So it's all crazy and I think the thought of going back to WDW will keep me going through the coming months which are likely to be very stressful!

I am glad I have been accepted onto the later date... the 20th June. Initially, I wanted the 1st June date but I realised I would just be cramming it all in, trying to finish uni and move back to Bristol before flying out. So, at least I have another 3 weeks now to move home and hopefully do a few shifts either at the hospital or Clarks so that I have some moolah earnt at a decent wage... LOL. At least the £/$ exchange rate is better now than in 2008...

I have just sent an email directly to the Disney recruiters... well, you could see it as a slightly begging letter really to ask if I can be assigned my role in one of the four main parks, specifically MK! I know it will only be "noted" but it's worth a try right? Anything so that I don't end up at Disney's Wide World of Sports or Downtown Disney. My ideal role would be at MK because you get to do PAC and all sorts of fun stuff with the guests but I am not holding my hopes that high... I have to remember that I was so fortunate with the role I got before in the Emporium that this time, I may end up with a role somewhere I don't want as much... still, it's better than fitting shoes day in day out for 11 weeks right!!?


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