Monday, 14 June 2010

6 days!

Well.... packing up all my stuff from Uni was a tad tricky. Now, in first year when I moved out of my house and then had a week to pack for Florida it was a bit easier because I didn't have the sheer amount of crap I have now! It's at the point where, upon trying to unpack all my clothes which I'm not taking to America, I cannot literally fit them in the 2 chests of drawers and wardrobe I have in my Bristol bedroom! There has been much improvement today though, have managed to unpack all three (!) suitcases full of clothes and personal items (as opposed to desk stuff, DVDs, books etc) and I have half-filled my amazing zebra print suitcase which I'm taking to the US.

I have also come to the conclusion that I am going to purchase an extra bag to have on the way back. Knowing how much extra stuff I had last time, I would prefer to pay the £32 online rather than have to pay excess baggage at Downtown Disney (for the full account of this nightmare click here) but on the way out I am determined to only have one case and for it to be under the standard 23kg allowance!

I know I keep going on about it; but I just can't believe how fast the last six months have gone. To think that in a week's time I could be lying in the hot Floridian sun by the pool... or unpacking my cases... or in front of Cinderella's castle... or even at Walmart, is unbelievable. I think the main difference between last time and this time is the fact that I had nothing to distract me last time - just counting down the days whereas this time I have had the small issues of my Uni work and dissertation to keep my busy! And before I've had time to think, I'm in the last week of my countdown... I will endevour to post later in the week before we head to Gatwick! x

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