Sunday, 24 January 2010

5 months to go...

Well, Christmas has been and gone and we're into a new decade since my last post! Sounds a lot more dramatic than it actually is right? :-P Not much has changed on the Disney front except that I booked my flight which is quite exciting! It cost me £429 in the end, Gatwick to Orlando (20th June, returning 9th Sept). I decided to add an extra week onto my time in America so that it wasn't such a culture shock coming back as it was last time... I'm not really in a hurry to get home this time! Hopefully, Tom is going to come out on the 2nd Sept which is the last full day of the program and I will be able to book us into a Disney hotel with some nice discount for the last week so we can go check in on that day and then it will be a bit of a holiday for the last week. He's never been to WDW before so I can take on my tour guide role hehe... but seriously, it will be really nice to just relax and chill out because I remember how tired I was when I last finished the program - the last week is totally overwhelming so it will be nice to chill out by the pool :-) (And of course, I will have 6 more entries to the parks for free!!)

I keep buying clothes and justifying them as "for Florida" LOL. I have tried to not buy anything else now because I am on a serious attempt at saving money and paying off my overdraft.. it would be nice to go to Disney with my bank account at £0 rather than minus something! I can't believe that more than 50 days has passed since I found out I was going... I think this next 5 months is going to pass in a whirlwind mainly because of the amount of work I have at Uni this term. That moment that I step on the plane is the moment that I finish University in my opinion... it's my ultimate goal and the question is just how stressful it's going to be to get to it!

The only worry I have at this moment for the ICP is that of my role and what I will actually be doing on a day to day basis... I don't want to end up in a crap job. But then I just have to keep thinking to myself of the fact I had a fantastic role in 2008, better than I could have imagined (or potentially ended up with being in merchandise) so this time is all about enjoying the experience and the sunshine whilst making more new friends! I already know who I am sitting next to on the plane, it's Hannah who I was interviewed with! I am really excited about the flight - loads of us are all sitting near each other (so glad you can plan seats with Virgin Atlantic!) so it should be a good laugh!

Roll on the summer!

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